Thursday 20 October 2011


Nowadays, there seems to be a proliferation of Feng Shui products claiming to be able to remedy a certain affliction or to activate good luck and fortune.  Mind you, these products don't come cheap.  Some costs as much as a few thousand ringgit.  So do they work?  Perhaps, if they happen to be of a certain element placed in a certain auspicious location for the year.  In actuality, one can use a bunch of metallic keys or a pot of plant to remedy a certain situation or boost the Qi of an auspicious location.  Anyway, if a location is already THAT auspicious it does not really need activators.  Just being there would be more than enough to get all the good Qi.
I have downloaded an article about what Feng Shui basically is for your reading pleasure.  Hopefully, after reading the article, you'd appreciate the essence of this ancient environmental science of the Chinese.

Feng Shui the Traditional Way

Traditional Feng Shui
Traditional Feng Shui originated in China more than 3000 years ago. Originally it was a protected knowledge of the Emperor. It was known by the name of Kan Yu and was used to ensure that the success of the emperor and his land was maintained. In the beginning it was simply a way for people to ensure that their crops did not die and that the buildings were built as to avoid the cold winds of the north. But it evolved into a complete science or study of the natural and built environment.
Being able to site the land to properly place a house or even a grave were important considerations. As such a study of the environment developed. This study focused on Qi (or energy or flow). By understanding the qi, early masters were able to determine auspicious and inauspicious locations and directions.
Following this study of qi, the use of the five natural elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water emerged. Using these elements in the proper location, a Feng Shui master can remedy the qi and bring back balance to the environment, thus helping create a beneficial situation for the occupants.

Benefits of Traditional Feng Shui

There are many benefits that Feng Shui brings to people who understand this knowledge. The three areas in which Feng Shui can help is in Health, Prosperity, and in Relationships. Feng Shui is part of a larger study of the heavens, man and earth. As such, all three have practical applications: traditional Chinese medicine (man), Chinese Astrology (heaven), and Feng Shui (earth).
People who use Feng Shui at their home or office see amazing benefits after applying the principles of Feng Shui. Feng Shui can identify areas that may affect a person in certain areas of the body. Bringing balance back using the five elements can aid in preventing or moderating negative health issues.
Using Feng Shui can also bring about improved relationships. Often homes might have qi that creates separation and loneliness. Bringing balance using the five elements can rectify this situation.
Lastly, as the emperor knew, Feng Shui can bring wealth and power. Using the elements properly a master can determine the areas in a home or office that can be financially beneficial to those living there.

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