Thursday 20 October 2011


The other day, Haji Hasnin asked me if I took any health supplements to stay fit.  I told him that besides all the natural herbs take I consume, I also take Liqua Spirulina and Liqua Health.  Yeah!  I need to as I am getting along in years and the ole' body ain't what it used to be; the bones are getting rickety, the skin wrinkly and body saggy.
Anyway, I get teased a bit by my friends when I tell them I take spirulina. The usual comment is this, "Hey!  You are already Li Na.  Why do you need to take Spirulina?"
In fact I take both Liqua Spirulina and Liqua Health regularly.  According to information about spirulina, it is an ideal anti-aging natural food which gives an energy boost.  At the same time it is known to detoxify our body, boost our immune system, nourish and repair cells, fight diseases, combat stress, weight problems and high cholesterol.
Hey!  I am not trying to sell Spirulina to you but just sharing what I do to keep healthy. After all I do intend to keep working until I am at least 60 years old.


ennie said...

It was mentioned to me Spirulina is like multi-vitamin. another supplement worth taking is lecithin.

Miss Cheah said...

Yeah! You are right. However, lecithin is more for better bowel movement.