Saturday 8 October 2011


I read somewhere that Plastic Surgeons in South Korea claim that a large percentage of the celebrities have gone under the knife to get that perfect look.  I am quite certain that many of us would make the assumption that a beautiful actress or handsome Korean actor got to look that way thanks to the skills of a surgeon.  
Take a look at the picture of Choi Siwon, a member of the very popular boy group, Super Junior.  Many regard him as the handsomest member of the group.  Of course, one would not be blamed for thinking that Siwon was not naturally so good looking.  But if you look at the pictures of him below, from baby till teenager, you'd realise that Siwon is indeed the real deal.  Look at the pics of his mum and sister, note the family resemblance.  This goes to show that we must not always jump to conclusions and make assumptions without looking into the facts first.

 Siwon and his sister.
Siwon and his mom

A similar situation happened to me recently.  I was told by Lai Yoong that one of her lady friends has a bad impression of me.  The lady kept telling everyone that I was trying to get close to Lai Yoong because I wanted to get her to buy Feng Shui items for my own profit.  She also sounded Lai Yoong about the ulterior motives that I might have and had been bad mouthing me to Lai Yoong's sister and sister-in-law. Apparently, the lady must be assuming that I am a Feng Shui master by profession and her opinion of people in this line of work appears to be very bad.  She must be thinking all Feng Shui masters are trying to get a big Ang Pow (consultation fees) for a Feng Shui consultation. She must also have the notion that these people are trying to make people buy all sorts of expensive Feng Shui items for their own profit.
Funnily, I do not know the lady and have never met her.  I guess she must think that I make a living out of Feng Shui since many of my Chinese friends keep asking me about Feng Shui matters.  The lady does not know that I am a full-time teacher and I do not do Feng Shui audits for people  I have actually had people wanting to hire me to look at the Feng Shui of their houses but I have refused.  On a rare occasion or two, I'd go and look at the Feng Shui of a good friend if I find that they are having health problems or a series of misfortunes.  I usually ask them to pay me a token sum of RM3.60 for good luck.  And instead of asking my friends to buy Feng Shui items, I'd be the one giving necessary Feng Shui cures and remedies to them as presents. Let's get it straight, I am not a dealer for Feng Shui items.  The lady also does not realise that when I give herbal remedies to people, I'd only ask for 20 sen for good luck even if I give them herbs that are worth more than RM10 (if bought from the market).  So, how dare that lady make such assumptions about me.  Doesn't she know that I am the real deal.  This is something like Siwon's case, right?

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