Saturday 3 September 2011


Filial Piety of Kuo Chu (A.D. 265)
In this tale, Kuo Chu's mother reduced her food intake to give to her three grandsons. Kuo Chu had a discussion with his wife. He said: "I feel very sad, our mother always spares her food for our sons. She herself does not actually get enough food. You can give birth to more sons. Could you give birth to our mother? Hence, better it is to bury our sons and let our mother have sufficient food." His wife agreed with him.

They dug a hole which was three feet deep in the ground to bury their sons. Instead they found some large pieces of gold on which was written: "God of wealth gives this gold to the filial Kuo and his wife!"

In my humble opinion, this story sucks.  Imagine Kuo Chu was willing to kill three human beings as a form of filial piety.  If the story did not have the Divine Intervention part then he and his wife would have buried their three sons alive.  In this day and age, we call this murder and senseless killing.

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