Monday 29 August 2011


I was feeling a bit giddy yesterday afternoon as I was having influenza. I usually try not to take any medication for influenza as it makes me very tired and drowsy. What I'd do is to apply some Vicks Vapour Rub on my chest, drink ginger tea and then sleep. Sometimes I will take Ngan Kiew (a type of Chinese herb) and I'd be okay. That is why the picture above is with me with my head on the pillow.

Yesterday, my Aunt Linda asked my mum and me why the two of us hadn't been talking about Feng Shui lately. She also asked why I did not use any Feng Shui remedy when my mum became ill. Aunt Linda also asked my mum why she hadn't been asking me to drive her to the Feng Shui store to buy amulets and cures to overcome her health problem. Both of us answered her in unison, "This is not because of Feng Shui but ones own personal luck. It is not always because of Feng Shui." As a matter of fact, I had already checked the Feng Shui of the house at the beginning of the year and did the necessary adjustments.

The Chinese believe that there are three types of luck, Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Human Luck. Each type of luck has 33.33%. We have the ability to do something about Human Luck and Earth Luck. It is only Heaven Luck that we cannot control. Heaven Luck is what we are born with. It is something fixed upon by the Powers above when we are born. It can also be referred to as Fate or Destiny. We cannot control Heaven Luck.

Human Luck is what we achieve through our up-bringing, virtues, education and our own willingness to work towards achieving our goals. If our Heaven Luck is good then our chances of success is even better.  

Earth Luck is where the domain of Feng Shui lies.  It has to do with the environment we are living in, it deals with our locations and the things around us. To improve it we can use Feng Shui. It will help us to enhance good forces or to prevent any bad forces. Feng Shui can enhance, augment and trigger the Earth Luck.

In my mum's case, it is definitely Heaven's Luck.  Sometimes, there are certain hurdles or challenges laid in our life path.  If we manage to overcome the hurdle, then we can continue on our journey through life.  I had already anticipated that my mum would be greatly affected as she is 79 years old this year and her sign is the Rooster which clashes with the Rabbit and also Tai Sui. Her personal life-force would be low as well; meaning she'd be easily disturbed by spirits and supernatural beings. The only thing that we could do was to pray to the Gods in Heaven and seek their blessings and protection from harm and evil.  After all it is Heaven that has set our Fates and it is also the Gods in Heaven that have the power to make some adjustments to this type of Luck.

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