Thursday 11 August 2011


As a treat for my librarians for the fasting month, I decided to make my own special fruit herbal drink for 40 of my librarians.  As I wanted to cut down on the use of containers, I asked that the boys and girls bring their own.  That is why you see containers of different colours, shapes and sizes in the last picture.
In the morning, a few of the girls and boys came and helped to cut the fruits and other ingredients.  A few of the staff and teachers also helped to prepare the ingredients.  When it was time to boil the herbs, it was the boys who washed the pot and filled it with water.
By 3.30 p.m., they boys and girls came to the library to help do the cleaning up.  They brought back their dessert at 4.30 p.m. to break fast later in the evening. My Indian boys came earlier and took their share as they were not fasting.
See how happy all of us were carrying out this activity.  Next week, I am planning to take all my boys and girls on a trip to the Ramadhan Bazaar.  First I need to get permission from their wardens and also book the school bus.  Hopefully, my plan gets the green light from the relevant authorities.

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