Thursday, 28 July 2011


My fellow Media teachers and I have been busy helping out at the KDSK school library that our own work in school has to be put on hold for three days.  The pictures above were taken on the last day we were there.  As can be seen, all of us were busy doing the job that we were called to do.
Today I am back in school and I have three days' work waiting for me to complete.  Luckily I have my resource centre committee members to help me out.  Ustazah Roslina is now busy making the materials for the new exhibition titled "Ramadhan dan Perayaan Aidil Fitri" (Ramadhan and the Celebration of Aidil Fitri).  Puan Asiah is processing the new books while I am catching up on updating the school blog and writing my record book.  Later I will be doing the labelling for the new exhibition and also updating the exhibits for the Herb Corner and the Legacy Corner (Sudut Warisan).
After helping to pretty up the new library, I am fired up to make changes for my school library.  In Feng Shui, it is believed that if things remain dormant for too long a time, the energy around the place becomes negative and stale.  So, I need to move things a bit to rev up the Chi.

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