Sunday 5 June 2011


My mum is having insomnia.  Actually this is a recurring problem for her.  If she cannot go to sleep at night, then she becomes depressed and also very moody during the day.  I was surfing the Internet to look for some herbs for her to have a good night's sleep when I stumbled upon Himalayan salt.  
I am sure many would assume that salt is only derived from the sea, but it can actually be harvested from the mountain as well.  One good example is Himalayan salt which is harvested from the Himalayan mountains.  It was formed during the Jurassic age and is considered the purest salt in the world.  This type of salt is pinkish in colour as can be seen the the above picture.
I found out that bathing in warm water mixed with Himalayan salt might just be the answer I am looking for.  It seems that bathing in warm water mixed with Himalayan salt (and even rock salt) helps to lower ones blood pressure and relax the mind and body resulting in a long, restful night of uninterrupted sleep.  
Furthermore, I read that bathing in Himalayan salt which contains 84 types of minerals that can balance and detoxify the body.  These salts can help to improve immunity, reduce stress, improve ones heart, relieve headaches and depression.

To Use: Just put a handful of salts in your bath when you start the water running. Stay in the tub for about 30 minutes and towel dry your body. If you take your bath before bedtime you will have an incredibly restful sleep as the salts help to encourage deep sleep and reduce stress.


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