Monday 6 June 2011


My late maternal granny taught me that the water at noontime on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month has magical properties.  She said that if we turn on the tap at noon on the Double Five Day and bathed or washed ourselves with that water, then we will become more beautiful and remain youthful.
This special water is known as 'Dragon Boat Water" or "Noon Water".  Somehow, the powers above have blessed the 'Noon Water" with the power to bestow youth and beauty to all those who endeavour to go through the ritual of bathing or washing at this time and on this particular day, that is, the day of the Double Fifth.
Today happens to be the Double Five Day in the lunar calendar.  Coincidentally, it also happens to be the Double Six day according to the western calendar.  Of course, vain ole me turned on the tap and took a bath at exactly 12 noon.  Very Kiasu!  I also stored some of this noon water in bottles to be used for Mandi Bunga   or Floral Baths later in the week.  My mum told me to use some of the water to make 'rice powder' or bedak sejuk.  She said the rice powder would make our skin smoother and fairer.
By the way, my late granny Lucy Cheah who swore by the powers of Dragon Boat Water, looked very youthful for her age.  In her eighties, she could pass off for someone in her sixties.  Yeah!  I want to look at least 20 years younger as well.  Huhuhu!

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