Tuesday 3 May 2011


 My shoes get worn out ever so quickly.  Maybe, it is because I walk around so much that my shoes don't last.  Or is it that I buy cheap shoes? 
Anyway, two of my work shoes have seen better days and I decided to go to Bata to get me two new pairs.  Do you know that there are specifications for work shoes? I attended a course and was told what type of shoes was considered proper.  One thing is that the shoes must be covered like the ones I am pictured with above. 
 I chose the pair of shoes that I am holding.  It costs RM49.90.   

This type of shoes are suitable for casual wear and not for work.


ennie said...

for some ppl, they prefer branded shoes, w/c r expensive, but lasting. for me, i prefer the not so high-price ones, may not last forever, but I get to wear new shoes every now and then. each person's opinion differs.

Miss Cheah said...

Same same here.