Tuesday 3 May 2011


I am currently busy with the Resource Centre Week for my school.  This is a yearly affair in which the committee involved would be busy organising activities to promote a particular theme chosen for the week.  This year the theme is "Traditional Malay Cooking".
On Tuesday, the activity planned was Cooking Demonstration.  One of the dishes that we were promoting was Telur Pindang.  This is an egg dish popular in the state of Johor especially during weddings. The telur pindang has a unique taste and colour. Its dark colour and the smell of herbs differentiates it from the ordinary boiled egg that most of us are used to.  The taste of the telur pindang comes about because of the  herbs and condiments that gets absorbed during the boiling process.
Thank goodness my library assistant Asiah has experience cooking the dish and so she was the one who did the demonstration to the students in the morning.  However, I must mention tha the eggs take about 8 hours to cook and so we started in the morning and the eggs were only ready by 4 p.m.


Ingredients to blend coarsely:~

1 packet cumin seeds (jintan putih)

1 packet fennel (jintan manis)

1 packet coriander seeds (ketumbar)

1 inch of ginger (cut)

10 dried chilli (cut)

10 bulbs shallots

5 cloves garlic

5 stalks lemongrass (serai)

1 inch galangal (lengkuas) - cut

Other ingredients:~

150 medium sized eggs (size C)

5  pieces of assam keping

a handful young guava leaves

a handful fresh tumeric leaves (daun kunyit)

a handful noni young leaves (daun mengkudu)

a handful lemuni leaves

a handful of star anise

a handful shallot skin

a handful garlic skin

3 fistful of rock salt

Kicap (squeeze to add colour)


  1. Prepare a large deep pot. Line half of the leaves and the blended ingredients at the base of the pot.
  2. Place the eggs gently on top of the leaves.
  3. Place the blended ingredients on top of the eggs.
  4. Place the other half of the leaves and ingredients on top of the eggs.
  5. Fill with water slowly and gently till it covers the eggs.
  6. Boil on very very low fire for approximately 8 hours. Top with additional water as the water evaporates. Maintain the same level of water at all times.
  7. Even when the fire is off, let the eggs continue to soak in the water to allow the flavours from the water to fully absorb into the eggs.
  8. Continue boiling on and off for four days at your convenience at whatever time frame that suits you. Remember that the herbs and leaves must remain in the water.
  9. Remove and drain.  The telur pindang can be served.
 The Telur Pindang was finally ready after 8 hours of being boiled in the herbs and other ingredients.  They tasted really yummy.

The Telur Pindang after the shells have been removed

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