Monday 28 March 2011


Daniel and I gave our cutest poses when Kamariah took this photo of us at the school canteen.  When we were having breakfast, the subject of the Housing Developer came up again.  I told them that the people seemed to ignore me totally and think that my REQUESTS can be ignored.  Even when my plans of going to the Consumer Tribunal and the Press seem not to worry them a bit.
A few of my friends said that since their Company is so big, they can totally ignore small fries like us who bought homes from them.  In my case, I was subjected to drinking contaminated water from a water faucet that was corroded only after 5 months.
It has been 6 days since the representative from the Housing Development Company came to negotiate but until now they have not contacted me to say that they would agree or refuse my requests.  I called the representative on Thursday and Friday and each time he told me that the management is still in discussion.  I wonder if they are still in discussion or they have chucked my letter of complaint to the rubbish bin since they consider it insignifincant. 
Aiyoh!  Folks, I think that I have to get myself ready for the next course of action as I gave them until the 30th of March to reply after which I would consider that they have rejected my requests.  Since the company has ample financial resources, they would employ legal advisers to make sure that they are innocent of all wrongdoing while I would be painted as the demanding and annoying customer.  Yeah, such is the way of the world!  Though I may end up not even getting a single faucet changed, I would be able to face the 40 boys and girls of my Civics class.  I keep telling them that it is our civic duty to do this and do that and to stand up for justice.  Lose I may at the end of the day but I would have earned the respect of my students for upholding what I taught them.
Aiyah!  Why don't they just send  someone over to apologise verbally and then change my faucets and make sure that the pipes are okay?  Is that too much to ask?

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