Wednesday 16 March 2011


I have oftentimes mentioned that I am just an ordinary school teacher doing very mundane things that your average Malaysian Auntie does.
My friend Haji Hasnin also said that I am very trusting and also naive, so much so that I put my faith and trust in people without realising that not everyone has noble intentions.
This is what happened with the Water Issue that I am confronted with at present.  For the life of me, I would never have imagined that the people who built the house that I bought would stoop so low as to instal pipes and faucets that would corrode and rust within a short span of 6 months.  Silly and stupid me thought that at least people would have the decency to supply things that would be safe for humans.
Of course, I am very angry and hurt.  My trust in humans have again gone down the drains.  I have quite a number of visitors of the Xing Fu blog who have written in to give advice and to voice their concern.  I have also replied to tell them that I did use a water filtration system when I noticed that the quality of water was suspect.  However, the filtration system was so saturated after a couple of weeks that it got spoilt.  I bought another and the same thing happened.  I paid about RM50 for the filtration system.  Normally the system would work but now we are talking about particles of metal from the corroded faucet and maybe the pipes as well.
That was why I decided to lodge the police report and make a complaint to the housing developer to ask for compensation.  For your information, I did not ask for much.  I only asked them to reimburse me the RM107 that I paid to replace the kitchen faucet and the wash basin faucet that was spoilt.  Then I asked that they replace all the other faucets in my house with better quality ones and to have people come check the pipes in my house.  Should they be rusted or corroded, then I requested them to be changed. I asked for them to pay for a medical check-up for me and if the results show that my organs are damaged as a result of drinking the contaminated water, then they should pay my medical expenses.  Is that asking too much? All my requests were so that I could live in peace without worrying about being slowly poisoned and that I have not been affected healthwise. Really! It is not as if I am asking RM100,000 in compensation.
My dear friends and readers who are reading this, let me share with you that I am very scared and anxious at the present moment.  I am afraid that the people concerned would find a way to say that it is my fault and that they put all the blame on me.  I am also afraid that it would come to a point that the People Service Department of Sitiawan has to call for a Press Conference for me to seek justice.  It is really a daunting task but then I am adamant and will proceed with it.  If I do not do something, then the cycle repeats itself and housebuyers would get supplied with pipes and faucets that would do damage to their health.  Not everyone's faucet would fall off after six months to indicate the corrosion and not everyone would want to make a stand as they feel it is bothersome.  I may not be a woman who can shake the world but then I am someone with a conscience.
To those who have written to give their support and encouragement, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Please keep supporting me as I am sure that you know that what I am doing is not only for myself.  One visitor wrote to say that those involved better do something quick to solve my problem a.s.a.p. so as not to open a can of worms.  For I swear, if they start to bully me, I'd make myself heard loud and clear during the press conference and if need be take the case to the Consumer Tribunal and get the Consumer Associations involved. Don't the housing developer and the contractors realise that if my case gets publicity then the rest of the people who had bought houses from them would want their faucets and pipes to be checked and replaced as well.  Then, it wouldn't be a can of worms that had been opened but Pandora's Box.


  1. Ms Cheah,

    Be strong. I am quite confident the results will be to your satisfaction with the support from the MCA Sitiawan branch, family and friends. What is more worrying is of course your health. Take care and keep us updated. Cheers.


  2. Mei,
    It is people like you that my faith in the human race is restored. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words.

    Li Na
