Saturday 19 March 2011


The gentleman and lady I am pictured with in the above photos are the parents of one of my students from class 5JE1, Fakhrurazzi a.k.a Pak Tam. It was actually his dad who approached me while I was buying something at the Farmer's Market. He introduced himself as Fakhrurazzi'z dad. I forgot to ask him for his name but then I can easily check the register when I go back to school on Monday. He told me that his son pointed me out to him when I was at the Farmer's Market in Kampung Simee two weeks ago. At that time, Fakhrurazzi hid under the table when he saw me. His parents had to identify themselves to me instead.

Tsk! Tsk! I guess he was afraid that I'd tell his parents that he'd been naughty in school. I did no such thing. Actually, I told them that he was a good boy with a good brain. Unfortunately, his number one weakness was that he was lazy. Anyway, I told his parents that I'd take good care of their son.

Pak Tam's mum operates a stall at the market selling traditional medicine for the skin and scalp. They have a shop in Sitiawan and another stall in Taiping. This morning, their son and my student was minding the stall in Taiping.

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