Sunday 13 March 2011


The school students in Malaysia are now enjoying their mid-semester break.  Most of the boys and girls who are boarders in my school went home yesterday to spend time with their families.  However, there is a group of students who are staying back until tomorrow as they are attending a special programme for potential top scorers in the SPM examinations. 
This group of 25 boys and girls will be given extra lessons by 7 teachers who have agreed to come during the holidays to teach them.  My friends, Khairah, Kamariah and I are 3 of the 7. 
The pictures above were taken on Saturday afternoon during Khairah's Bahasa Melayu slot.  After that we joined the boys and girls for dinner at the dining hall of the hostel.  Well, this is our contribution and sacrifice for our students in the hope that they will be able to perform excellently for their exams.

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