Saturday 5 February 2011


Sharveen getting an Angpow from my mummy

Aiyoh!  Sharveen trying to look slimmer by standing at a certain angle.  As it is I eat like a horse but my student eats like an elephant.  Heh! Heh!  I offered to give him a copy of my Fake Mother and Baby picture to remind him to slim down.
On the second day of the Chinese New Year, Sharveen came a-visiting.  He registered as a student at UNITAR or Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in Kampar on the 28th of January.  He is staying with his paternal Aunt in Ipoh instead of Kampar where the university is located.
As a matter of fact, Sharveen is the only student who visited me.  It is not because none of my students wanted to come but I did not allow them.  Why?  Because they told me that they wanted to travel by motorcycle from out-of-town places like Teluk Intan, Batu Gajah and Sungai Siput.  Aiyoh!  If they had said that they wanted to come by bus or their parents were sending them, I would have welcomed them with open arms but on motorcycles during the festive season - NO WAY .
Anyway, I told my boys that I would be giving them a special treat when they go back to school next week.  A few of my former students would also be going to school to meet me next week too.  I couldn't have any merry making in my house as it faces east where the Five Yellow Star is this year.

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