Monday 7 February 2011


I mentioned in an earlier post that it is the practice of many Chinese families to buy a new set of bowl,  chopsticks and spoon for the new year. It is sometimes referred to as Feng Shui bowl or Prosperity Bowl.  Using the bowl would symbolise endless supply of food and also having career luck. 
During the Chinese New Year, I decided to give such a set to my guests as presents.  The Feng Shui shops are selling golden rice bowl sets (feng shui bowl) as the symbol of wealth, abundance and prosperity. Obviously, I could not afford to give a golden set and so I chose orange to represent gold.
Actually I wanted to give the bowl set to all my guests but then I did not have time to buy the bowls when some of them came.  You see, my sister, Li Mei, met with an accident on the second day of the new year and I was very worried about her.  She had a fall in the kitchen and hit her head causing a big gash.  Her husband and sons sent her to the hospital for treatment.  She received a few stitches on the back of her head behind her right ear.

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