Friday, 4 February 2011


 According to Flying Star Feng Shui, the positions of the stars hovering above us would change on Lap Chun day which happens to be today. I cannot remember the exact time for the beginning of spring as I left my almanac at home. This is when the 9 stars would fly into other sectors of the house.  Good sectors for the Tiger year might suddenly become bad and vice versa.
 This vase of silk flowers is in the Southeast sector of my house.  Since this will be an auspicious sector, I can decorate it with red, pinks and yellows plus all the activators.
 This is the decorative ornament I have in the East sector of my similar facing direction house.  The East is where the Nasty Five Yellow will take residence come February 4 which means there should not be anything associated with fire or earth here lest the potency of the star is amplified. 
Luckily the East is a Wood sector and the powers of the Five Yellow is somewhat subdued.  Nevertheless, it is still dangerous.  One way to try control it is by using metal cures.  The decorative ornament I have for the Chinese New Year is metallic in nature and would work as a remedy for this yearly affliction.
 The colours gold and orange represent the element metal.
 I have also changed the flower decoration outside my East facing house to white daisies.  White is also representative of the metal element.
 I didn't even use red ribbons to decorate my pot of lime plant.  Instead I used orange coloured ribbons.
My pot of pussy willow plant with the orange coloured ribbons.  I guess mine must be the only Chinese house in Sitiawan without nary a red decoration for the Lunar New Year.  See, that is how much I fear the Five Yellow.
The little rabbits are not a Feng Shui cure but my decorations for the New Year.

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