Monday 14 February 2011


I declared that I was going on a diet to lose weight at the start of the year but so far have not been too successful.  Take for instance, the food I ordered for my meal this evening.  I had a set of Japanese rice complete with seafood plus an extra bowl of Curry Yong Tau Fu.  My mum, Aunt Linda and even Kamariah tease me for going on a Fake Diet.  They ask, "How can one go on a weight reducing diet by ordering an extra set of food?"
Otokajo! What can I do?  Actually, I am rather worried about gaining weight as it might endanger my health. I have been receiving news about my friends and colleagues being diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. Recently, one of my male colleagues had to start dialysis treatment because of kidney failure.  He had been suffering from diabetes for 17 years and it seemed that the medication he took damaged his kidneys.  Like my friends, I too am no longer young and must really take care of my health.  If I keep eating the way I do, then I will be headed for serious trouble later on.  My late father's doctor reminded my sisters and I to be mindful of our health and not to gain weight as my dad suffered from end stage renal failure which was brought about by the seriousness of his diabetes and hypertension.  Memories of my dad having to undergo dialysis for three times a week still haunt me.  The good doctor said that since I have a history of such diseases in my family, I need to really, really be careful. 
So, I wasn't really joking or trying to be funny when I stuck all the pictures of a thin Jang Geun Suk and the chubby baby everywhere.  The young man lost 8 kilograms for a role that he starred in.
Starting tomorrow, I will make my own Green Tea and bring it to school.  No more sweetened drinks for me.  Also, I will give Kamariah permission to stop me from ordering extra food.  No more Fake Diet this time.

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