Monday 27 December 2010


Today is the 27th of December, 2010.  This means that there is only 5 days left before we say goodbye to 2010 and welcome 2011.  Wow!  Time really flies.
For me, 2010 has been a very trying year.   I encountered some difficult situations and a number of challenges but then again I count my blessings for the people around me who rallied to my aid to make things easy for me.  I was given a very short time to vacate my rented house as the previous owner sold it and gave me one week's notice to leave. In less than a week, I managed to find a house to buy and had to beg the new owner of my rented home to let me stay for 3 more months before my housing loan was passed.  In a short time, I got my new home stayable and moved in as quickly as I could.  My Aunt May succumbed to cancer a couple of months before I moved into my new house.  My family and I suffered months of agony seeing her in so much pain and misery.
All in all, 2010 has been a very eventful and colourful year for me. Hopefully, 2011 would be a happier and more calming year for me.

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