Sunday 24 October 2010


My mum and Aunt Linda went back with me to Sitiawan yesterday as I was involved in a special programme for elite students for my school.  While I was busy carrying out a session with the boys and girl, both of them waited for me in my new house.
Actually the two of them were very excited last week when I told them that I would be taking them back with me to Sitiawan.  Aunty Linda called me on Thursday to confirm the trip.  Yeah!  When I went back on Friday both of them were eagerly planning what they would do when they were in Sitiawan.  They told me that they wanted to visit Haji Hasnin and his family at his house and also Daniel and Umi at their house.  Later they wanted to go shopping.  For lunch they wanted to eat seafood at Kampung Cina and for dinner, they wanted to have a meal at Strawberry Cafe.  When she heard about their plans, Kamariah said that the old folks were like her children who would be very excited and full of plans whenever they were taken on a trip.

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