Sunday 24 October 2010


I love eating Roti Jala.  I bought a few from the school canteen last week when I saw one of the canteen helpers making this dessert in the kitchen.  It tastes yummy when eaten with curry.

What is Roti Jala

Roti Jala is a yellow lacy crepe or pancake, usually served with chicken curry. By appearance, it resembles the putu mayong, except that roti jala is savory and served with chicken curry. While putu mayong has an Indian origin, roti jala is more likely to be sold by the Malays, though Nyonya Chinese has also adopted this dish for themselves.
To make roti jala, one needs to get its mould or roti-jala cup, which is made from metal or now, increasingly, of plastic. The mould allows the batter to flow through in tiny threads, where it solidified on a hot pan.

Roti Jala Ingredients

plain flour
coconut milk
turmeric powder
salt to taste

Roti jala is almost always served with chicken curry. So this has to be prepared separately as the accompaniment.


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