Sunday 17 October 2010


The pictures above are of the burning coals of the pit that devotees, who have gone on a strict vegetarian diet, will walk across.  I took the pictures at around 11.30 a.m. when the coals had already been laid and were burning.
Actually, the laying out of the coals is a very tedious and time consuming task.  Before the coals can be laidn, a shallow pit is dug on the ground. The Taoist Master in charge of the ceremony will then drawn an incantation on the ground and recite some mantras.  It is only after the Master has done his bit that bags of coals will be emptied into thepit to level it. Then a piling pole will be used to press the coals to even the ground.  After one layer of coal is pressed down, other layers will be added in stages.  Each layer will be pressed down with a very heavy piling pole.  If I am not mistaken the final layer will be a couple feet high. 
After the coals have been laid, the Taoist Master will again chant some mantras and at the same time some gold joss papers and incense will be strewn onto the coal pit.  The coals would be left to burn for some time until the selected time for the fire walking takes place.
The devotees who take part in the fire walking ceremony must have observed a strict vegetarian diet.  Those who have broken the precept might most probably have their legs burnt.  The Taoists believe that by walking across the red hot burning coals, ill fortune would be gotten rid of.

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