Tuesday 7 September 2010


When it comes to things like houses and cars, I am totally at a loss. When the tyre of my car is punctured, I will call Haji Hasnin to help me change them.  If the car won't start, I will call Haji Hasnin also.  I am really hopeless with all this mechanical stuff.
Likewise, I am also hopeless when it comes to describing the faults of the house.  Thank goodness, Daniel has been kind enough to help me check the house for faults and even went with Lai Yoong and me to the Maintenance Division of Kar Sin Bhd. to make the report to the clerk so that the repair work can be carried out.
Unlike the superwomen who can repair cars, change tyres and do all the practical stuff for the house, I am the stereotypical woman who can't.

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