Saturday 4 September 2010


The Muslims in Malaysia would sometimes hold Majlis Berbuka Puasa or Breaking of Fast ceremonies with members of groups that they belong to.  I was invited by my friend Eric to take some photographs of such a ceremony which took place at his Strawberry Cafe yesterday night. 
The members of a Youth Club held their Majlis Berbuka Puasa at the Cafe and the guest of honour was their adviser whom all the young men and girls referred to as Ayah.  Besides breaking fast together, the members also made a contribution of money to one of its members for a recent loss.  They would also be carrying out charity work in an orphanage in Bota next week.  Well, this is something positive.  Young men and women who join such clubs and carry out charitable work is something good.
A few of the young men who attended the function thought that I was a professional photographer and made a living out of taking photographs.  One even asked if I might be interested to help take photographs of other functions that they may be holding.  I told them that I was a teacher by profession and only took the photographs as a favour to my friend who owns the place. 

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