Saturday 4 September 2010


The above pictures show my library assistant and the school janitors helping to pack oats, Bahulu (a type of cake) and anak tudung (a type of headwear for Muslim women) for senior citizens who are housed at an Islamic Complex.  For this year's celebration of Eid Al Fitri or Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, I collected money from my colleagues in school and other friends to buy new clothings for the orphans. After that task was accomplished, I also collected more money to buy some goodies for 25 senior citizens there.  In the last picture, the senior assistant of my school, Ustaz Lotpi, is handing over the goodie bags for the senior citizens to Ustaz Syed Sharim so that he could distribute it to the ladies concerned.
I will usually blog about such an event.  It is not so much for publicity but more for accountability.  This is so that my friends know what has been done with the money I collected.  Anyway, the publicity would also be good for the Complex as more people would be aware that there are orphans and senior citizens there and they could render financial and other forms of assistance.
If the money that is contributed is only mine then I do not blog about it as it defeats the purpose of doing charity. 

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