Thursday 5 August 2010


Amir and Aunty Li Na
Here is one happy little boy.  Could it be that we have telepathic connection?
Amir and his friend, Aziz.
Amir's dad (the one in white shirt) having a talk with the caterer
Amir and Big Brother Sharveen
I had two very weird dreams last week.  Last Monday, I felt sleepy at around 9.00 p.m. and fell asleep on the sofa.  My former colleague's son, Amir appeared in my dream.  I had dreamt about Amir showing me a pink badminton racquet and a blue one.  He said he wanted me to get them for him.  In my dream, I told him that the racquets that he showed to me were for toddlers and I said I'd get him a real badminton racquet.  Then Amir asked me to buy him two racquets so that he could play with his dad.  He said that he wanted the racquet but his dad did not want to buy it for him.  When I woke up, I could remember the dream in detail and related the dream to Kamariah and also my library assistant, Asiah the next morning. 
I again dreamt about Amir when I went to sleep on Friday night.  In this dream, Amir was telling me to get him a birthday present on August 1st as he was going to have a celebration.  In the dream, he kept reminding me to get him a present for his birthday.  Again, I could recall this dream vividly.  I told Kamariah about my dream on Saturday morning when we were carrying our duties for Graduation Day.  I also related my two dreams to Sharveen who had come for the award presentation ceremony.  What was weird about the two dreams was that I woke up with terrible headaches after each dream.
Then yesterday afternoon, while I was at the bookshop with Kamariah I saw the badminton racquets, I bought them and told her that I would send them to Amir's dad, Cikgu Ishak, at his workplace at night.  However, when I went there to pass the gift to him, I was told that he was on leave and that I should go to his house instead as he was at home.  As I wasn't too sure of how to go to his home, I called Sharveen and asked him to show me the way.
Can you imagine how surprised Sharveen and I were when we saw that tents were built at his house? It seemed that there was a birthday celebration for Amir and his little friends were there.  When Cikgu Ishak saw Sharveen and me, he was equally surprised.  However, the most surprising thing was that when I opened the back of my car door to get the present for Amir, he came and told me,"Ah!  Aunty you bought me the badminton racquets that my father did not want to buy for me."  Yeah!  Honestly, the little boy said that.  Ask Sharveen.  He heard what Amir said too.
Amir's dad said that I must have remembered the date that his late wife gave birth to Amir.  Actually, I remember the Chinese date which is the 19th day of the 6th lunar month since it is the birthday of the Goddess of Mercy.  However, the Chinese date differs from the Western calendar.  Besides, I don't recall giving any present to Amir for his birthday for his previous ones.  I usually buy something to give to him for Hari Raya Puasa and Chinese New Year but not his birthday.  Besides, I have been very busy with the Graduation Day, the Diabetes and Hypertension Exhibition, the preparation for the trip to Cameron Highlands and other school activities.  Don't forget I was worried sick and still am about my housing problem.  Anyway, if in my subconcious mind, I did remember Amir's birthday, how do you explain the badminton racquets?  For your information, I haven't seen Amir's dad for two months already since he was transferred to another school.  Strange isn't it?

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