Monday 9 August 2010


I am pictured with my cousin Simon's mother-in-law and her grandson above.  They were in Ipoh for a visit this weekend.  Simon is my Aunty Linda's son. 
Don't you think that Simon's nephew, Han, looks like Xiao Xiao Bin the Taiwanese child actor?  He has lost a bit of weight now.  A few months back when Han was chubbier, he looked even more like Xiao Xiao Bin.
Simon and his wife, Cheng Mun and her family were in Ipoh for a short visit.  Both of them work as accountants in Singapore.   
My relatives who come to Ipoh would usually spend time eating at the different restaurants.  They had the famous Chicken Beansprouts last night and in the morning, they tried the Dim Sum.  That is the plus point of Ipoh, when we have visitors, there is no need to cook for them - just need to take them out to eat.  Heh! Heh!  Save energy.

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