Monday 2 August 2010


In some monastries in India, pilgrims get to hug the Rudraksha trees.  Why do they hug these trees you ask? It is because these trees are believed to be sacred and, when hugged for a few minutes, they will take all the negative energy out of you up into the tree and you are left feeling completely peaceful. The seeds of the Rudraksha are therefore referred to as "the compassionate tears of God Siva for all humanity." Remember to have have an intention in mind when you are hugging the tree and it is said that the blessings of Lord Shiva would be upon us.  It is said that by hugging a rudraksha tree, the tree will be able to heal your heart.
The Rudraksha trees are said to have the ability to absorb negativities and purify the heart. There is often a deva (god) residing in the rudraksha trees that can send blessings through the trees.
So next time, I go visit the ashram, I will sure ask for permission to hug the rudraksha trees to release my cares into the tree


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