Wednesday 4 August 2010


Trees are a perfect living example of harmony and the embodiment of the five elements (i.e. : earth, fire, water, air and space).Trees are a great asset to our lives where ever we are on the planet. A Tree have a soul just like birds , bees and any other living creatures. Besides their known factors of medicinal properties , fruits bearing trees , shelter and more , trees are serving as great healers . You can better any meditation practice or healing by sitting under a tree and along with what ever is your attention , address the tree internally and ask him to help you ground any block and negative energies you might have. When ever you feel weak , or sad you can just go and hug a tree and as for his help. the tree will not be effected by your state , but rather , has a great capacity to ground your negativities , disease energies to mother earth. Not all trees should be approached , as in the human realm , you have different “types” of trees that serves differently. Its not that the tree is “negative” it is only that , its serving a different purpose. For example , you have trees that will increase your abundance , and you have other trees that will take away your abundance , not to punish but to help you be detached from material aspects. Some trees will host loving angels and supporting being of light and some will host darker shades of entities. I will point out trees that are considered beneficial , supportive and helping. There are so many trees types and I will give a few examples of their spiritual nature aspects.
In various cultures trees have a special rule and function. In Japan for example trees in the temples serve as channels to help with healing prayers / affirmations , In India people will also tie around the tree a thread for helping them in their path and on Sunday’s will request help from a tree (specific type ) and tie a ribbon on it , which will be removed only when the prayer is complete. In Islam it is customary to accompany the dead to its burial grounds with branches of the palm trees to help him on his journey and in the far east the bamboo branches along with the incense help the departing souls , or the swirling bamboo who serve as a good fortune enhancer . Fruit trees in general are a sign of abundance and good fortune.

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