Monday 19 July 2010


The first five pictures of my cells taken from my blood sample about two months ago.  It was during a promotion by a health supplement company at a deparmental store.  The consultants there had asked if I wanted to see how healthy my cells were and woe betide, my poor cells were in pretty bad shape.  A sample of good healthy cells should be with the circle like thingies swimming alone and not joined together like a telephone cord.  Also it should be without all the lines and spots.  I was told that they represent oil, stress and other unfriendly stuff on our bodies.  That was when I decided to give the supplement they were promoting a try.

It has been two months since I have been taking the supplement.  I went to replenish my supply and also asked the health consultant to check my cells.  Actually, they do it only after the third month but since I insisted they obliged. Ahem ... I also made her check my cells after the first month. 
Anyway, here is how my cells look like now.  According to the consultant, they look much healthier.  See there are less telephone cord looking ones and they are beginning to separate.
I must admit that I have not been listening to the advice of the health consultant.  She told me to have enough sleep, eat less oily and fried food, drink at least 8 glasses of water, reduce my time in front of the computer screen and try to relax. 
With last month being the World Cup month, how could I sleep more? Not to mention relax.  Aiyah!  It comes once in every four years.  As for cutting down on the oily and fried stuff ... hmm ... there has been so much functions and dos in school recently that I have had my fill of oily food. 
Before I left the health shop, my consultant once again reminded me to do as she had advised and I sheepishly nodded.  I think I better listen to her advice if I want to be healthy.  I can just picture all my blood cells swimming happily without having to be bunched up with other cells. 

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