Saturday 24 July 2010


Last Thursday I got a short messaged text from my landlord telling me to move out from the house by the end of July as he had already sold the house and the new owner wanted to move in.  Believe me, I almost freaked out.  I called him immediately and tole him that he couldn't do that to me.  After all I had been renting the house from him for 12 years (since 1998).  Furthermore, I had also paid a month's deposit in advance and also the rent for July had already been paid. After much pleading and also hysterics, the landlord managed to persuade the new owner to let me stay until the end of September but I have to pay 3 months rent in advance.  I am still confused about that.  I am staying until September but have to pay 3 months rent in advance.  Could it be they are allowing me to rent the place until October?  Or could it be that I have to pay an extra month deposit?  Hopefully, I will get the keys to my new house by the end of September.  If not I would have to move out - new house or no new house.
However, my principal, Puan Siti Arfah has offered to let me stay at the quarters for the principal in the school should my house not be ready.  Then another teacher, Cikgu Shahabudin who had heard me relating my housing woes to Kamariah, told me not to worry and said that he would help me to move my things in case the worst happens.  Though I am having housing woes but I am confident that my friends and colleagues would rally around me.  So I would not be alone to face whatever might happen.

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