Saturday 24 July 2010


I usually will not eat durians.  It is not because I do not like them but rather I dare not eat durians because I might get headaches afterwards.  However, I do make an exception when it comes to to the D24 cultivar. The D24 durians are well known as premium grade.  They are yellowish creamy, dry and bitter-sweet with a medium texture. To me they are worth eating. 
This afternoon, I bought one D 24 durian for RM9.  It is sold at RM10 for a kilo.  There was only for seeds of durians.  My mum and aunt had one each while the honour of enjoying the other two was reserved for me.  Believe me, it really was worth the money and even the prospect of getting a headache.  Simply delicious.
Another cultivar that I make an exception for is the 101 cultivar.  The flesh or pulp of this durian has a reddish hue.  It is very sweet with a slight bitter edge. It also sells at RM10 a kilogramme.

To read more on durians, please click here.

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