Sunday 6 June 2010


I enjoy eating egg noodles with wantan.  I prefer the kon lou and not the soup type.  During my student days, my parents would take my sisters and I to a famous Wantan Mee stall in Menglembu after our Tai Chi and Taekwondo classes at the YMCA in the evening.  Do believe me when I say that I ate four helpings of egg noodles at one sitting.  I did not order the wantan as they contained pork and chicken.  Even the noodle seller was amazed at my ability to wallop so much noodles at one go. 
Nowadays, tak bolehlah (unable to do so).  Getting old already!  And instead of the calorie burning Tai Chi classes, I have become a chair potato - just staring into the computer screen.
I still enjoy eating wantan egg noodles but would have them at halal stalls that serve prawn wantons.  I like the noodles at Old Town White Coffee Restaurant.  For brunch today, I had a plate of egg noodles with prawn wantann plus the curry potatoes with toasted brown bread.  Yeah! Yeah!  Though I cannot eat 4 helpings of noodles, I still have a good appetite.  Hee! Hee!

Toasted brown bread with potato curry

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