Sunday 6 June 2010


Last week I did a post about Encik Alias bin Ismail, a teacher who received the Tokoh NILAM award in the state of Terengganu.  Well, all is well about him being a deserving candidate for the award.  The point of contention was what he said to the reporters afterwards that became a talking point. 
He had made public that his active sex life and reading was the source of him being so energetic and active during the day.  There were a number of people who felt that there are things that should be kept private and one of them is what one does in the confines of the conjugal bedroom. 
Ahem!  Today another article was published in the Star Newspaper and this time, the wife has spoken up in defence of her husband saying that those who criticise belong to the "old school of thought" while I deduct that both she and her husband are from the "new school".   I am sure you might be interested and have reproduced the article below:

Loving couple: Alias busy in his small study while his wife attends to him at their house in Kuala Berang yesterday.

Sunday June 6, 2010
Don’t read too much into hubby’s book and sex story, says wife
HULU TERENGGANU: Her husband’s public sharing of how reading and having sex every night has kept him energetic during the day has drawn criticism from some. But Rosmawati Abdullah is proud of her award-winning husband Alias Ismail’s honesty.
“He was just being honest,” she said in an interview at the couple’s house yesterday.
“Through reading and having a cordial relationship, we managed to raise our children to be caring and disciplined. What’s wrong if my husband shares his formula with others?”
The 41-year-old housewife said those who criticised her husband were still stuck in the “old school of thought”.
  She said there was nothing wrong in talking openly about sex between married couples.
“He is being honest about sex because he is concerned that the social ills among students are quite high. It’s important not to have illicit sex. People should scrap the mentality that sex education is taboo.”
Alias, a Bahasa Malaysia teacher at SMK Menerong, was the inaugural recipient of the state-initiated Tokoh Nilam award to honour an ourstanding teacher.
He had then said his secret to remaining active was to read, have an intellectual discussion with his wife and having sex nightly.
Meanwhile, Alias, 42, who insisted that he was not a hypocrite and was encouraging only legitimate sex, said he was disappointed by certain parties who were attempting to discredit him. “Many people in Kuala Berang shook hands and congratulated me after Friday prayers saying that I was different from other teachers. A day prior to that, a group of teachers in Hulu Terengganu threw a party for me for winning the award,” he added.
Alias also revealed that his handphone was flooded with a huge number of SMSes after his story appeared in The Star on May 31 with most praising him.
The couple still sleep on a mattress and live in a wooden house because his salary is spent on buying books and other reading material.
The couple’s eldest son, Moham-mad Sallehuddin, 24, said his father was a “sporting” person who openly discussed matters that were taboo in other families.
“He teaches us to be humble while advising us not to indulge in illicit sexual relationships,” he said.
“To me, we have the best dad.”

Correct me if I am wrong?  If I am not mistaken, even most western celebrities do not take it upon themselves to discuss their sex lives in the open.  I don't think our Malaysian singers and actors do that either. 
I am a teacher who is still stuck to the "old school of thought" and feel that there are certain things that need to remain private.  Believe me, I am not alone.  Most of my colleagues belong to the old school.  Can you imagine what ideas his students who have read the article would think every morning when he steps into their class?  Wink! Wink!
Anyway, I think that Encik Alias and his wife are actually fine people.  It is just that in my humble opinion, given the nature of his occupation, he made a blunder by sharing something that is supposed to be within the sacred confines of their bedroom. 
Can we have comments from old fashioned people belonging to the "old school of thoughts" and those liberated ones from the "new school"?


Danial Jaafar 🇲🇾 said...

well, it's kinda shocking really because nobody has ever made their 'bedroom's activities' public, especially to the whole country.
just take it as this, he meant well, but maybe wrong approach. you know, sex-ed.

Miss Cheah said...

Danial, young though you may be but I presume that you too subscribe to to the old school mentality when it comes to keeping certain things private.
Thanks for leaving a comment.