Wednesday 16 June 2010


Former Baywatch Babe, Pamela Anderson, still has the voluptuous curves that made her the object of many male fantasies.  However, her face tells a different story.  It is showing the ravages of time, the effects of too much suntanning over the years and also a hard partying lifestyle.  She looks way  much older than her 42 years.  So this proves to us that too much of something is definitely not good for us.

Below you see the effects of what too much of watching World Cup football on telly can do to a person.  Me-lah!  I look teruk (terrible) after staying up until 7.00 a.m. to watch the delayed telecast of the Brazil vs North Korea match.  This goes to show that too much of a good thing will have adverse effects on us.  Thank God, the World Cup only comes once in four years and last a month. 

Excuse me, I better go and put on some make-up.  If not my mother and aunt would nag me for looking so pale and haggard.

Want to read more about Pamela Anderson? 

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