Wednesday 23 June 2010


I mentioned that my school senior assistant brought back souvenirs from his trip to Mecca.  He packed all the souvenirs in  gift bags and placed them in boxes.  All the teachers and staff were invited to take one. Of course, I took one.  In the goodie bags were a string of prayer beads, a kopiah and dates.  Well, I already ate the dates. The kopiah I will give to Kamariah's son but the prayer beads I will keep.
Why?  Besides being used by various religions to count the repetition of prayers, Prayer beads or Worry beads can also be used as protection from negative energy and to relieve stress.
Though the number of prayer beads for the Muslims might differ from that of the Buddhists, Sikhs and Catholics, all prayer beads have physical, metaphysical and psychological affects on their users. The beads absorb the negative energies since they are used to recite prayers which generate a lot of positive energies.  Being a Taoist, I don't really mind the number of beads used because as far as I know there are no Taoist prayer beads.  As a practitioner of Feng Shui, I will most definitely keep the beads.

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