Sunday 20 June 2010


I brought my Fahrenheit figurines back to Ipoh with me after I heard what my next door neighbour told me yesterday morning when I was about to drive back to Ipoh.  She said that a few days ago (when I was back in Ipoh for the holidays), she saw a prowler lurking outside my house in the early hours of the morning.  She was frightened and called the other neighbours.  They then all switched on their houselights and the fella went away.  They did report the matter to the police but then the other Aunty said not to tell me as I might be very worried and scared.  Furthermore, they had made a report and the police were on the alert.  However, the old granny said that she decided to tell me so that I would be more alert.  That was when I went back into my house to take my figurines back with me. 
Adoi!  I feel like I am under siege - first the termites and now a prowler.  Arggggghhhhhh!!!!

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