Saturday 19 June 2010


I have been applying the termite powder and bug spray for the past two days on the areas that were infected by white ants.  This morning when I did another round of spraying I had a bit of difficulty breathing and felt a lump in my throat.  Oh! Oh!  I think I might have inhaled the poisonous fumes.  Silly me did not think of wearing a face mask or using something to cover my nose and mouth first before spraying.  I am sure most of you would know that the majority of bug sprays contain a poison caled DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) as their active ingredient.
What I did was to close the door of the room, then quickly washed my face and after that I kept drinking a lot of water and other liquids.  As the amount of chemical I had breathed in was not that much, it was not necessary for me to go consult a doctor.  I am sure the gallons of water I have drunk would have flushed the poison from my system.
For those who want to read more about bug spray poisoning, please click here.

1 comment:

Miss Cheah said...

I bought it from the departmental store. It is actually Ridsect which is said to be able to get rid of all sorts of insects (bugs).