Sunday 2 May 2010


During the 3-day Technical School Carnival which was held in Ipoh, there was a booth set up by the students of the medical college to give health checks to the participants.  On the last day of the carnival, I made a beeline to the booth and got my blood pressure, sugar level and cholesterol checked.  My fat measurement was 28.2.  That was normal according the the student who attended to me.  My sugar level was 5.5 which is also normal.  I was a bit afraid as I had eaten a hearty meal of Kon Lou Curry Noodles with shrimps, Yong Tau Fu and a sweet dessert.  The initial measurement for my blood pressure was a bit high.  The guy who did the measurement mentioned that I was sweating profusely and asked if I had been doing some vigorous activity.  I told them that I was at the Anderson school field for the prize giving ceremony and I was running here and there to take photographs.  After the ceremony ended I walked back to the Technical school and straight for the health check.  I was then told to rest for a bit before my blood pressure was taken again.  It was registered at 114/77 and my pulse rate was 72 minutes.  I was told that given the amount of activity I had done, this was normal. 
Aiyoh!  Thank goodness the results for all the health checks came out normal.  However, I must also learn to eat more healthily and exercise more.

1 comment:

Miss Cheah said...

Thank you for the compliment.