Sunday 16 May 2010


This is a pciture of the Mahkota Dewa plant that I bought from the nursery in Ipoh for a tree planting ceremony on Saturday.  All the schools in Malaysia are having an activity called "Gotong Royong Perdana".  The objective of the activity is the foster closer ties amongst the teachers, parents and students. 

The principal of my school was given the honour of planting the Mahkota Dewa or God's Crown. (Macrocarpa phaleria) to you today. The fruit of the plant cannot be eaten straight from the plant.  We need to boil or sun dry the fruit and also remove the seed first before it is safe to be eaten. It is believed that the flesh of the Mahkota Dewa fruit contains the anti-oxidant compounds that fight cancer. This is not recommended for pregnant women.

Mahkota Dewa is often used as a therapeutic healing alternative for an assortment of diseases. Healing time varies depending on the patient's body weight and severity of the ailment. Mahkota Dewa is believed to cure cancer, tumour and other diseases and health ailments such as high blood pressure, impotency, insomnia, influenza, rheumatism, allergies, heart disease, bladder complaints, uric acid and liver problems. However one should consult a herbalist before taking this traditional medicine.

Kamariah posing with the Mahkota Dewa plant that was planted by our school principal on Saturday, 15th May 2010.

Here is how the fruits of the Mahkota Dewa plant look like.  Very pretty, isn't it?

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