Tuesday 25 May 2010


All along it was set in my mind that Tiramisu was a Japanese word and I had thought that Tiramisu cake originated from Japan.  I only found out today that Tiramisu is Italian in origin.  (Sheepish grin!)

Here is the recipe for Tiramisu Cake:

1 sponge cake
250g cream cheese/mascarpone cheese
200ml whipping cream
1/2 cawan castor sugar
1 cup of hot water (to mix the Nescafe)
1 tbs Nescafe Powder
Coco powder for decoration

1.  Mix the Nescafe with 1 cup of hot water.
2.  Mix sugar, cheese and cream in a container.
3.  Whip until the mixture becomes white and creamy.
4.  Cut the cake into two layers.
5.  Pour the Nescafe onto the cake.
6.  Spread the cream and cheese evenly onto the cake.
7.  Do the same to the other layer with the remainder of the cream and cheese.
8.  After that cover with cling film and keep in the fridge for a while.
9.  Sieve the coco powder on top of the cake to decorate before serving.

P/S:  This recipe is halal as it does not use liqour as one of the ingredients.

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