Tuesday 4 May 2010


I had only recently eaten this vegetable at the Tasik Raban restaurant.  To me it tastes delicious. In Malay it is known as Paku Rawan (Limnocharis flava).  This type of plant grows wild and can be found in paddy fields and also places where there is water.  It is also known as Genjer.  This vegetable is known as the poor man's food especially in the villages.  When the poor do not have enough money, they would eat this vegetable. 
In the English language it is known as limnocharis, sawah-flower rush, sawah-lettuce, velvetleaf, yellow bur-head, atau cebolla de chucho.
This afternoon I went with Kamariah to have a look at the Paku Rawan that could be found growing in drains in Manjung.  I had initially wanted to pluck some to cook but after seeing how dirty the water in the drains were I changed my mind.  Perhaps, I would go hunting for them near the paddy fields.

Reference: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genjer

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