Tuesday 4 May 2010


The young girl in the picture is only 18 years old.  She is a temporary worker for the company that has the cleaning contract for my school.  Her mum who is the regular cleaner has just given birth to her tenth child and is on maternity leave and so the daughter is filling in for her.  I am really disappointed with this young lady as I had advised her time and again to go and take up a course or learn some skill that would help her get a better job.  I am not the only one to have advised her, the senior cleaners have been telling her to do something with her life and so has my clerk.  I suggested that she go take up sewing or making attend some cookery classes but this sweet young thing just shrugs her shoulders and gives me a blank look each time.  Sometimes when she sees me, she'd look down and try and avoid my gaze. 
It really saddens me to see her each morning when she comes into the library to do the cleaning.  Both my assistant and I fear that she would eventually follow her mother's footsteps and make this as a permanent occupation.  Yeah!  And also get married to a labourer and have loads of children.  Actually, her family could barely make ends meet and she does not even have the desire to improve their lot in life. 
Honestly, I feel so helpless as all my advice has fallen on deaf ears.  Sigh!!!

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