Friday, 14 May 2010


Today I want to blog about two ladies who have achieved fame through blogging.  They earn a sizable income from advertisements in their blogs which can amount to thousands of ringgit. 

The cutesy looking lass above goes by the moniker Cheesie and she is one of Malaysia's top bloggers.  This 25 year old graduate of journalism has earned big money with her blog  The blog is said to receive 8,000 visitors in a day.  Cheesie blogs her life and all her beauty secrets.
In an interview, she mentioned that the amount she earned from blogging is dependant on her advertisements. It could be anywhere from three, to as much as five, figures a month.

What started as a personal blog which first earned Mira Abu Bakar, 35, RM90 after three years of blogging.  This initial amount was followed by RM150, RM300 until  the present RM10,000 a month.
Mira was one of the pioneers in blogging. She started her blog Redmummy in 2005 after taking part in Fear Factor and from there blogging became a habit.  It was actually her hubby who suggested that Nuffnang to generate some income from her blogging.  The rest is what success stories are made of.
Lest we think that this petite lady with a love for the colour red works as a fulltime blogger, let it be known that she works fulltime as an executive secretary in a private firm located at KLCC.
To read the full story in the Malay language, please click here.

I am sure that most of us would realise that Miss Cheesie Tan and Puan Mira are among the elite few who are able to earn such big bucks.  The rest of us are way below the ladder when it comes to payouts. 

Take me for example, I actually registered for Nuffnang after Kamariah related the story of the Redmummy to me last week.  If my memory serves me, I registered on Thursday. I am a curious person by nature.  Actually, to put it bluntly - I am a busybody.  I wanted to find out how much I could earn through blogging.  Well, so far my earning power is ZERO.

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