Sunday 2 May 2010


I am sure that if you have been following my blog, you'd know that I only started learning Feng Shui in 2004 when my mum became very ill.  Besides being ill, she was also depressed as my dad had passed away at the beginning of the year.  Believe me, my mum was a wreck, both physically and mentally.  She weighed about 45 kilogrammes at that time and had to be hospitalised 9 times. 
The doctors and specialists shook their heads and said that she wasn't really that sick and said that her illness could be imagined.  One specialist had even recommended that my mum have a consultation with a psychiatrist as he thought that she was suffering from dementia.
I was really frustrated and was fast losing hope.  There were suggestions to send my mum to a nursing home as she was becoming worse but deep in my heart I wasn't going to give up hope on the woman who gave birth to me.  I wasn't going to send my mother to a nursing home to be looked after by strangers.  If need be, I'd take her back with me to Sitiawan to live with me and hire someone to look after her.
Only God and my godmother knew how many buckets of tears I had shed.  It was my godmother who suggested that she go have a look at my house to see if there was anything wrong.  True enough, she found there was a big poison arrow aiming at my house which was the cause of the problem.  She told me what cures to use to counter the poison arrow and also did a space clearing for the house.  At that time my mum was in hospital.  When I brought her back from the hospital the following evening, my mum was still weak and also in a daze.  The next morning I had to go back to Sitiawan to attend a meeting and my Aunt May came over to look after her.  I had a big surprise when I came back in the evening. Aunt May had gone home and my mum was up and about.  She had even cooked dinner and made Bird's Nest Soup for me. 
That was when I started to believe that Feng Shui works and my interest in it was piqued. 
Nowadays, my mum proudly tells everyone that I learned Feng Shui because of her.  By the way, she too knows a thing or two about Flying Star Feng Shui as well.

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