Sunday 23 May 2010


Sizzling Tofu in banana leaf
Butter Prawns
Teow Cheow Style Steamed Garoupa
Stir fried Kailan with salted fish

My mum and Aunt always say that they are living on bonus time and that they should enjoy and savour it while they can.  Similarly, my friend Kamariah and I agree with them.  Too often we have read stories of people who have passed on to the other world before even reaching 30 years of age. Then there was the story of this lady who lived frugally to save a lot of money.  She ate very simple dishes that were not too nutritious and she never bought things to indulge herself.
Indeed she managed to save a tidy sum and had property to her name.  Then she found out that she had cancer and after that she became very sick and finally succumbed to her illness.  Before she died, she had to endure all the radiotherapy and chemotherapy which made her feel even worse and she could not even eat.  Since she was a spinster, all her money and property went to her next of kin who were the ones who enjoyed the fortune that she had saved.  I heard the brothers bought new cars and went on trips abroad with the money they had inherited.
Aiyoh! I am sure that we don't want that to happen to us.  Scringing, scrimping and saving a fortune for others to enjoy. And so the moral of the story is that we have to make merry while we can.  Of course, we need to work hard too but at the same time we have to learn to enjoy the fruits of our labour.
The above was a meal that I had with friends at the Horizon Restaurant last week.  The food was delicious and the company was pleasant.  That my friend is what I meant when I say enjoy while we can.

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