Tuesday 18 May 2010


In Sitiawan, we have the black taufu fa which is made from black soybeans.  As far as I know, it is very popular here.  The owner of the vegetarian shop that Sharveen and I went to yesterday recommended the black taufu fa to us.  He told us that it has some major health benefits. The beans are said to present a possible way to fight obesity and lower cholesterol.  Research done in South Korea indicated that consumption of black soybeans can also reduce the risk of diabetes.
By the way, Sharveen ate the Black Taufu Fa which came with a packet of syrup made from brown sugar.  He said it tasted divine.


ummuazas said...

I've never seen black soya beans. That's new to me...

Miss Cheah said...

I'll buy one for you to try. It is nutritious and delicious.