Saturday, 6 March 2010


Little Nana or Nur Adriana Qistina turned one on 4th March. Daddy Nana (Adriana's dad) told me that he would be holding a thanksgiving celebration during the holidays in his hometown in Perlis. I bought some clothes for Nana for her birthday and went with my friend, Khairah to Nana's baby sitter's house to give them to her on Friday.  Unfortunately, the clothes that I bought were at least two sizes larger than her.  It is okay as my mum tells me that is better to buy clothes that are bigger for children as they will grow into them sooner or later.
Actually I was in no way obliged to buy a gift for Nana as there was no invitation to her birthday party or the thanksgiving gathering.  I did so because I genuinely like the little girl and also because I take delight in giving gifts to little children as they are so pure and innocent not to mention cute.

Below are some quotes about giving that I took from an article by Stephanie Roberts:

"Giving is so integral to prosperity because it opens the heart to receive. It is a powerful way to express your gratitude and appreciation for all that you have received, and your trust that even more blessings will come to you in the future".

"If you are fortunate enough to have a little extra coming in this holiday season - even if it's just a dollar or two - try giving some of it away. If you don't have money to give, look for opportunities to be a "helpful friend" to others by giving of your time, knowledge and skills, or your compassion. You'll discover a very special kind of happiness that only comes through sharing your fortunate blessings with others."  Stephanie Roberts


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