Sunday, 28 February 2010


It is 11.00 p.m. now which means there is only an hour left of Chap Goh Meh or the 15th night of the Chinese New Year.  In Penang, this night is one for romance whereby single females throw mandarin oranges into the sea (with their contact numbers) with the hopes that they end up in the hands of some eligible males who would look them up.

Since I am neither married nor attached and am too busy preparing the documentation for the library to go and throw some mandarins, I have 'borrowed' some of Ramona's and Sakhee's photographs to post here.  Now here are two lovebirds for you.  I hope they don't charge me royalty for posting their photographs here.

By the way, I noticed that the two of them have that brother-sister type of look.  Now according to the Chinese, this is good for a couple as this is a sign that the union will be a successful one.

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